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Discover How Green Spaces Can Boost Quality of Life

April 12 2023
Two senior men enjoying drinks seated in the rooftop garden.
It should come as no surprise that nature provides a host of health benefits, but it also has a positive impact when it comes to Memory Care: Research suggests that people living with dementia benefit when they’re able to connect with the outdoors. One study exploring how engaging with green spaces affects those with dementia found that it promoted positive risk-taking, such as participating in group activities.

Other research is finding that when people engage with nature, it reinforces their sense of self—and that natural green and blue spaces (environments with running or still water) were shown to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being in older adults. Our rooftop garden is such a place: Overlooking downtown Manhattan, it provides the ideal setting for gathering with friends and family. Aside from the sense of community nature provides, perhaps, the most positive benefit is its ability to reduce stress. A lack of greenery, researchers have found, can actually trigger a stress response in the brain—but immersing yourself in nature or spending time in green spaces can have the opposite effect, elevating your mood.

Embracing this idea that nature is healing, our rooftop garden and Horticultural Therapy encourage residents to get their hands dirty by exploring the joys of gardening. The therapy, which is facilitated by a trained therapist, creates a sense of community, provides a sense of purpose, and improves overall health and well-being.

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