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3 Memory-Care Tips to Help Support Loved Ones with Alzheimer’s or Dementia

June 21 2022
Close up of hands pointing at family photos in an album.
While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s and dementia, there are ways to ease the behavioral effects. Alzheimer’s doesn’t just affect the person diagnosed with the condition. It also impacts family members, presenting care challenges along with delicate issues that can arise during seemingly harmless interactions—such as correcting loved ones on what year it is, where they are, and more. Learning to deal with Alzheimer’s-related behavior can help ease the struggle, and at The Watermark at Brooklyn Heights, we’re committed to providing support. Below, Regional Director of Resident Programming Kelly Ording shares a few tips to help those with cognitive issues find comfort and perhaps even improve their memory.
  1. Put together a playlist. Music can transport people with Alzheimer’s and dementia back to memorable moments in their lives, sparking joyful memories and drawing connections to the past. Our Memory Care “Nayas” create playlists for members that help to calm them in stressful situations and guide them through daily activities.
  2. Add improvisation tools. Conversations aren’t always linear with those who have dementia. By using phrases such as “yes, and?” you can encourage them to keep going. The more they’re able to share what’s on their mind, the more they’ll practice their communication skills and feel free to express themselves.
  3. Display photos of family and friends. Visual cues are a great reminder of those who play an important role in their lives. These also create an environment in which members feel loved and supported.

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