Call Us 562-275-3455
feel better. be better. live better

Stay active and do what moves you in our exclusive fitness space.

It’s no secret that longevity means sustaining health, vitality, and strength at every stage of life. Our wellness experts are here to help you stay stronger for longer with wide-ranging fitness classes tailored to your interests and needs. Regular fitness classes can help you avoid muscle and bone loss, and can even stave off sickness, fatigue, and other preventable health issues. 

From boosting your brain health and improving balance to promoting physical activity, socialization, and enhanced longevity, daily exercise is an ideal way to help you maximize your independence and mobility. Our wellness experts are on hand to help you create a personalized plan that helps you maintain your current state of wellness, reach new fitness goals, increase cardiovascular health, or improve your range of motion and strength.

Who says fitness can’t be fun? At Whittier Place, we encourage you to enroll in your own well-being, and join any (or all) of the group fitness classes available. Have fun cheering each other on because fitness is so much more fun when you’re doing it with friends.  

A resident is practicing breathing exercises alongside their caregiver

Fitness That Fits You

What moves you? Maybe it’s starting your day with an energizing Yoga or Chair Aerobics session in our fitness studio. Perhaps you’d like to lace up your sneakers, get some fresh air, and stroll alongside friends and neighbors in the Walking Club. From traditional fitness classes to innovative offerings such as Zumba Drumming, Tai Chi, and Music and Movement, there’s always something new to explore. You’re sure to get your legs moving and your heart pumping in no time.

Enjoy flexibility with our robust engagement and wellness programs. We'll be with you every step of the way along your wellness journey. Go at your own pace, prioritize your needs, and reap the benefits for your mind, body, and spirit.


We’re happy you’re here.

Questions? Interested in a tour? Want to attend one of our events? 

We’re excited to meet you. 

Fill in the form, or call us at 562-275-3455 to learn more.

Looking to join our team? Explore all career opportunities.

Questions? Interested in a tour? Want to attend one of our events? 

Fill in the form, or call us at 562-275-3455 to learn more.